Demoboost Hits 666% Increase in Organic Traffic Under 6 Months With EightBurst’s Content Marketing and SEO Service

Demoboost Website Interface

Demoboost is a demo automation platform designed to improve the way teams manage and deliver interactive live demos. Today, it’s trusted by various leading companies globally and offers a range of features and solutions to enhance the buyer experience. In a transformative six-month collaboration with EightBurst, Demoboost achieved remarkable results. 


The synergy between Demoboost’s complex, yet powerful capabilities and EightBurst’s expertise in simplifying and highlighting these features through SEO and content marketing led to a 666.67% increase in organic traffic. The production of 15,000 words of targeted blog content each month significantly enhanced Demoboost’s digital presence.


This growth saw monthly visitors soar from 1,000 to 23,000, with 54.56% of this traffic driven by search, establishing a strong topical authority.


The Problem 

Demoboost, with its revolutionary approach to product demo software, faced many obstacles in a market where its revolutionary concepts were not widely known. Despite offering a powerful tool that could significantly transform the demo experience across various organizational functions, Demoboost struggled to gain the recognition it deserved.


The Challenges

Demoboost, in its quest to excel in the competitive product demo software market, faced several challenges.


Lack of Market Awareness: Despite its innovative features, Demoboost was not as widely recognized in the market as some of its competitors. This lack of awareness posed a significant hurdle in attracting a broader audience and establishing the brand.


Difficulty in Differentiating from Established Competitors: The market was already populated with well-known brands, making it challenging for Demoboost to stand out. They needed to not only showcase their unique features but also communicate their value proposition effectively to potential users.


Converting Technical Excellence into Engaging Narratives: Demoboost’s advanced technical capabilities needed to be translated into engaging, understandable content for a diverse audience. This was crucial in demonstrating the practical benefits and applications of their software.


Building Topical Authority in a Niche Domain: Establishing themselves as thought leaders and go-to experts in the product demo software space was essential. This required a strategic approach to build credibility and trust with potential customers.


Optimizing Digital Presence for Higher Engagement: Demoboost’s website and online content needed to be optimized not just for attracting traffic but for engaging and converting visitors into leads and customers.


Our Strategy

To address the challenges faced by Demoboost and elevate their presence in the competitive product demo software market, EightBurst devised a customized strategy. The key components of our strategy included:


  • Content Differentiation: We created unique, value-driven content that effectively differentiated Demoboost from competitors, highlighting its unique features and value proposition.


  • Engaging Technical Narratives: Translating Demoboost’s technical features into engaging stories, we made the software more accessible and appealing to a broader audience.


  • Enhanced SEO for Visibility: By optimizing Demoboost’s website with targeted keywords, we significantly increased market visibility, addressing the challenge of limited brand awareness.


  • Strategic Link Building: Our link-building campaign improved Demoboost’s domain authority and search rankings, further boosting its SEO efforts.


  • Building Topical Authority: Through authoritative, industry-focused content, we established Demoboost as a thought leader, enhancing credibility and trust with potential customers.


  • Optimizing for Engagement and Conversion: Enhancing the website’s user experience led to increased visitor engagement and higher conversion rates, optimizing Demoboost’s digital presence.


  • Data-Driven Refinement: Our continuous monitoring and adaptation of strategies based on analytics ensured that Demoboost’s marketing efforts remained effective and relevant.



Demoboost Organic traffic growth


25k-28k Monthly Visitors

666.67% Increase In Organic Traffic

54.56% Traffic From Search

Built Topical Authority

15k Words Monthly Blog Content

High Conversion Rate

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