Appinventiv Increased Traffic by 80% and Brings 177K Unique Monthly Visitors With Eightburst’s SEO & Content Expertise

Appinventiv ui

Appinventiv is an award-winning mobile app design and development company that champions technological change and digital transformation. With a robust team of tech enthusiasts, they have been instrumental in redefining the digital journey for startups and enterprises.


In a strategic partnership with EightBurst, Appinventiv has seen remarkable results, including an 80% increase in web traffic. It was successful to create and optimize blogs as well as landing pages to reach 177K unique visitors each month.


The Problems

Appinventiv encountered significant hurdles in amplifying their digital presence. Despite their technical expertise, they struggled to elevate their visibility and assert their dominance in the digital marketplace. This lack of online prominence directly impeded their ability to attract new clients and limited their growth potential.


Moreover, the content they produced, rich with industry insights and expertise, failed to reach its intended mark. Their blogs and landing pages, though meticulously crafted, did not resonate with the desired audience.


The Challenges

Appinventiv ran into SEO optimization challenges that negatively affected their online visibility. They struggled to produce content that was both engaging and SEO-aligned. It was difficult to balance technical expertise with accessible language in their content, which hindered audience engagement. These challenges highlighted the need for improved SEO and content strategies to boost their digital presence and connect with their target audience effectively.


Our Strategy

Eightburst designed a specialized plan to uplift Appinventiv’s web presence, concentrating on enriching their SEO framework and content strategies.


  • SEO Audit and Optimization: We began with a thorough SEO audit, identifying gaps and opportunities in Appinventiv’s current digital strategy. This audit covered technical SEO, on-page optimization, and off-page factors to ensure a holistic improvement approach.
  • Keyword Research and Content Alignment: Our team conducted extensive keyword research to uncover terms and phrases that aligned with Appinventiv’s services and audience interests. This research ensured that each piece was optimized for both search engines and user engagement. 
  • Content Revitalization and Creation: We revitalized existing content and created new, engaging blog posts and landing pages. Each piece was crafted to provide value to Appinventiv’s audience, addressing their needs and questions while also being SEO-friendly.
  • Technical SEO Enhancements: Technical improvements were made to Appinventiv’s website to enhance page speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall user experience. These changes were crucial for improving search engine rankings and ensuring that visitors had a positive experience on the site.
  • Link Building and Domain Authority: We implemented a strategic link-building campaign to enhance Appinventiv’s domain authority and improve their search engine ranking positions. By acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, we aimed to boost the credibility and visibility of their website.
  • Regular Content Updates and Performance Monitoring: A schedule for regular content updates was established to keep the website dynamic and engaging. Additionally, we set up detailed tracking and analytics to monitor the performance of our SEO and content efforts.
Appinventiv Traffic


80% increase in traffic

Blog and Landing Page creation

177K monthly unique visitors

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